To the Emperors sight, who deliuered me
to the two first gentlemen, who conducted me to the office where I first
was, where came vnto me one called the Long duke, with whom I conferred a
while, and so returned to my lodging.
Within one houre after in comes to my lodging a duke richly apparelled,
accompanied with fiftie persons, ech of them carying a siluer dish with
meat, and couered with siluer. The duke first deliuered twenty loaues of
bread of the Emperors owne eating, hauing tasted the same, and deliuered
eury dish into my hands, and tasted of euery kinde of drinke that he
This being donel the duke and his company sate downe with me, and tooke
part of the Emperors meat, and filled themselues well of all sorts, and
went not away from me vnrewarded.
Within few nights after the Emperour had will to speake secretly with me,
and sent for me in the night by the Long duke: the place was farre off, and
the night colde; and I hauing changed my apparell into such as the Russes
do weare, found great incommoditie thereby.