Father Iuan Vasilowich, as also for the
reestablishing and reducing into order the deciad trade of our Englishmen
there. Who notwithstanding at his first arriuall at the Mosco, found some
parts of hard entertainment, by meanes of certaine rumors concerning the
late nauall victory which was there reported to haue fallen on the Spanish
side, as also for some dislike conceiued against the priuileged trade of
our English merchants. Yet in the end he obtained of the Emperour many good
and equall conditions, and was curteously and honourably dismissed by him.
The principall points which he entreated of, and were granted vnto him by
the said Emperor were these:
1 A continuation of league and amitie betweene her Highnesse and the sayd
Emperour Pheodor Iuanowich, in like maner as was before with his father
Iuan Vasilowich.
2 A confirmation and reestablishment of the former priuileges of the
Companie of our English merchants, which were infringed and annulled in the
principal points, with diuers necessary additions to the same, for the
better ordering of their trade in those countreys hereafter, viz. That the
state of the priuilege granted before in the names of some priuate and
particular men, be altered in that point, and the same granted by the name
and stile of their incorporation, viz. To the felowship of English
merchants for the discouerie of new trades.
3 That vpon euery surmise and light quarel, the said priuilege be not
reuoked and annulled, as before time it hath bene.
4 That iustice shall be administred to the said Companie and their Agent
without delay, vpon such as shal offer them any despite or iniurie, or shal
exact or impose vpon them any paiment, taxation or imposition whatsoeuer,
contrary to the freedome of the said grant.
5 That the goods and commodities of the said Companie, be not forcibly
taken as before time they had bene by the Emperors officers or people of
authoritie, either for the vse of the said Emperor or of his officers. But
in case they haue need of the said commodities, the same to be taken at
reasonable prices, and for ready money.
6 That the said Companie be not charged hereafter with the answering of
such debts as are made by any Englishman not being of the societie.
7 That the Emperors authorized people shall not hereafter repute any
Englishman residant in that countrey, to be any factor, seruant, or dealer,
in the said Companies affaires, but such as the Agents shall inregister by
name, within the offices where custome is entered in all such places of the
land where the sayd Companie haue residences to traffike.
8 That the names of such as shall so be inregistred be no longer continued
in record, nor themselues reputed as factors or dealers for the said
Companie, then the Agent shall thinke good.