Of August, the Factors receiued from the Basha 500. Batmans of raw
silke, parcell of the bargaine made with him, who bade them come the next
day for the rest of the bargaine.
The 19. day the Factors went to the Basha according to his appointment, but
that day they could not speake with him, but it was deliuered them as from
him, that they should looke and consider whether any thing were due vnto
him or not, which grieued the Factors: and thereupon M. Turnebull answered,
that their heads and all that they had were at the Bashaes pleasure: But
then it was answered there was no such matter in it: but that they should
cast vp their reckonings, to see how it stood betweene them. The 20. day
they cast vp their reckonings. The 21. they went to haue spoken with the
Basha, but were denied audience.
[Sidenote: Arthur Edwards died at Astracan.] The 22. day they heard newes
by a Busse that came from Astracan, that Arthur Edwards (whom the Factors
left at Astracan with the moietie of the goods) was dead, who departed this
life [Footnote: Left blank in Original.] of ...
[Sidenote: September.] The 23. day the Factors receiued more from the Bacha
500. Batmans of silke. The 4. of September newes was brought to Derbent,
that Golding comming from Shamaky was set on by theeues (Turkes) and had
hurt one of them.