He obtained likewise the payment of fiue hundred marks, which was payd for
ten yeeres before his going into Russia (into the Emperors receit) for a
rent of a house that they had at Vologda.
He also got granted for them the repayment of fifteene hundred marks, which
had bene exacted of them the two last yeres before his comming thither.
He got also for them order for the repayment of an olde and desperate debt
of three thousand marks, a debt so desperate, as foure yeeres left out of
their accounts, and by the opinion of them all, not thought fit to be dealt
with, for too much offending the Emperour, or impeaching his other
businesse, which was thought at least otherwise sufficient, and was
therefore left out of his instructions from her Maiesty.
He obteined that all strangers were forbidden to trade any more into
Russia, and that the passage and trade to all the Emperors Northern coasts
and countries, from the Wardhouse to the riuer of Ob should be onely free
to the English nation.
Lastly, of a great desire he had to do the merchants good, without motion
either of themselues here, or their Agents there, or any other of them, he
obteined of the Emperour the abatement of all their custome which they had
long before payd, and agreed still to continue, which custome the Dutchmen
and strangers being remooued, as now it was agreed, amounted to two
thousand pounds yerely.
All these were granted, some already payd before his comming from Mosco,
the olde priuilege ratified, newly written, signed and sealed, and was to
be deliuered to the ambassadour at his next comming to Court, before when
the Emperor fell sicke of a surfet, and so died.
After whose death the case was woondrously altered with the ambassador: for
whereas both, in his owne conceit, and in all mens opinion els, he was in
great forwardnes to haue growen a great man with the Emperor, what for the
loue he bare to her Maiesty, and the particular liking he had of himselfe,
he now fell into the hands of his great enemies, Mekita Romanouich and
Andre Shalkan the chanceller, who, after the death of the Emperour, tooke
the speciall gouernment upon themselues, and so presently caused the
Ambassadour to be shut vp a close prisoner in his owne house, for the space
of nine weeks, and was so straightly guarded and badly vsed by those that
attended him, as he dayly suspected some further mischiefe to haue
followed: for in this time there grew a great vprore in Mosco of nigh
twenty thousand persons, which remembring that his enemies reigned,
somewhat amazed the ambassadour, but yet afterwards the matter fell out
against that great counsellor Bodan Belskoy, whom I noted before to be a
speciall man in the old Emperors fauor: