[Sidenote: Perauolok.] Nowe they departed from Oueak the said
fift of October at fiue of the clocke after noone, and came to Perauolok
the 10. day about eleuen or twelue of the clocke that night, making, no
abode at that place, but passed alongst by it. This worde Perauolok in the
Russe tongue doeth signifie a narrow straight or necke of land betweene two
waters, and it is so called by them, because from the riuer Volga, at that
place, to the riuer Don or Tanais, is counted thirty versts, or as much as
a man may well trauell on foote in one day. And seuen versts beneath, vpon
an Island called Tsaritsna the Emperour of Russe hath fiftie gunners all
the summer time to keepe watch, called by the Tartar name Carawool. Between
this place and Astracan are fiue other Carawools or watches.
1 The first is named Kameni Carawool, and is distant from Perauolok 120
2 The second named Stupino Carowool, distant from the first 50 versts.
3 The third called Polooy Carowool, is 120 versts distant from the second.
4 The fourth named Keezeyur Carawool, is 50 versts distant from the third.
5 The fift named Ichkebre, is 30 versts distant from the fourth, and from
Ichkebre to Astracan is 30 versts.
[Sidenote: Astracan.] The 16 of October they arriued at Astracan, with
their three stroogs in saftie about nine of the clock in the morning, where
they found the ship prouided for the Persia voyage in good order and