Wherein with my abilitie, together with some
part of my studie, I am rather moued (in this my plot) to make some triall
vnto your maiestie: for that I perceiue that such attempts of newe
discoueries (whereunto this noble Island is most aptly situated) are by
your royall maintenance so willingly furthered: beseeching your highnesse
so to accept of these my trauailes, as a pledge of my well willing to my
countrey, and of my loyall seruice to your maiestie, whose healthfull
happie life and reigne God continue which is Almightie. Amen.
Your Maiesties most humble subiect
William Burrough.
* * * * *
The Queenes Maiesties letters to Shaugh Thamas the great Sophi of Persia,
sent by Arthur Edwards, William Turnbull, Matthew Tailbois, and Peter
Gerard appointed Agents for the Moscouie companie, in their sixt voyage
to Persia, begun in the yeere 1579.
To the most noble and inuincible Emperour of Persia, King of Shiruan,
Gilan, Grosin, Corassan, and great Gouernour of the Indies.
Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England, France and Ireland,
defender of the faith &c. To the most noble and inuincible Emperour of
Persia, King of Shiruan, Gilan, Grosin, Corassan, and great gouernour euen
vnto the Indies, sendeth greeting. Most noble and inuincible Prince, it is
now tenne yeeres since, [Footnote: