10 lampes of iron to carie light.
5 kettles of 150 li. the piece, and 6 ladles.
1000 of nailes for the pinnases.
560 of nailes of Carabelie for the houses, and the Wharfe.
18 axes and hatchets to cleaue wood.
12 pieces of lines, and 6 dozen of hookes.
2 beetles of Rosemarie.
4 dozen of oares for the pinnases.
6 lanternes.
500 of Tesia.
Item, gunpouder & matches for harquebushes as shalbe needfull.
Item, there must be carried from hence 5 pinnases, fiue men to strike with
harping irons, two cutters of Whale, 5 coopers, & a purser or two.
A note of certaine other necessarie things belonging to the Whalefishing,
receiued of master W. Burrough.
A sufficient number of pullies for tackle for the Whale.
A dozen of great baskets.
4 furnaces to melt the Whale in.
6 ladles of copper.
A thousand of nailes to mend the pinnases.
500 great nailes of spikes to make their house.
3 paire of bootes great and strong, for them that shall cut the Whale.
8 calue skins to make aprons or barbecans.
* * * * *
The deposition of M. William Burrough to certaine Interrogatories ministred
vnto him concerning the Narue, Kegor, &c. to what king or prince they doe
appertaine and are subiect, made the 23 of Iune, 1576.
These articles seeme to haue bene ministred vpon the quarel between
Alderman Bond the elder, and the Moscouie company, for his trade to the
Narue without their consent.