Which way the Sauage may bee made able to purchase our cloth and other
their wants.
If you find any Island or maine land populous, and that the same people
hath need of cloth, then are you to deuise what commodities they haue to
purchase the same withall.
If they be poore, then are you to consider of the soile, and how by any
possibilitie the same may be made to inrich them, that hereafter they may
haue something to purchase the cloth withall.
If you enter into any maine by portable riuer, and shall find any great
woods, you are to note what kind of timber they be of, that we may know
whether they are for pitch, tarre, mastes, dealeboord, clapboord, or for
building of ships or houses, for so, if the people haue no vse of them,
they may be brought perhaps to vse.
Not to venture the losse of any one man.
You must haue great care to preserue your people, since your number is so
small, and not to venture any one man in any wise.
To bring home besides merchandize certaine trifles.
Bring home with you (if you may) from Cambalu or other ciuil place, one or
other yong man, although you leaue one for him.
Also the fruites of the Countreys if they will not of themselues dure, drie
them and so preserue them.
And bring with you the kernels of peares and apples, and the stones of such
stonefruits as you shall find there.
Also the seeds of all strange herbs and flowers, for such seeds of fruits
and herbs comming from another part of the world, and so far off, will
delight the fansie of many for the strangenesse, and for that the same may
grow, and continue the delight long time.
If you arriue at Cambalu or Quinsay, to bring thence the mappe of that
countrey, for so shall you haue the perfect description, which is to great
To bring thence some old printed booke, to see whether they haue had print
there before it was deuised in Europe as some write.
To note their force by sea and by land.
If you arriue in Cambalu or Quinsay, to take a speciall view of their
Nauie, and to note the force, greatnesse, maner of building of them, the
sailes, the tackles, the ankers, the furniture of them, with ordinance,
armour, and munition.
Also, to note the force of the wals and bulwarks of their cities, their
ordonance, and whether they haue any caliuers, and what powder and shot.