And touching the tract of the land of Noua Zembla, toward the East out of
the circle Arcticke in the mote temperate Zone, you are to haue regard: for
if you finde the soyle planted with people, it is like that in time an
ample vent of our warme woollen clothes may be found. [Sidenote: A good
consideration.] And if there be no people at all there to be found, then
you shall specially note what plentie of whales, and of other fish is to he
found there, to the ende we may turne out newe found land fishing or Island
fishing, or our whalefishing that way, for the ayde and comfort of our newe
trades to the Northeast to the coasts of Asia.
Respect of fish and certaine other things.
And if the aire may be found vpon that tract temperate, and the soile
yeelding wood, water, land and grasse, and the seas fish, then we may plant
on that maine the offals of our people, as the Portingals do in Brasill,
and so they may in our fishing in our passage, and diuers wayes yeelde
commoditie to England by harbouring and victualling vs.
And it may be, that the inland there may yeeld masts, pitch, tarre, hempe,
and all things for the Nauie, as plentifully as Eastland doth.
The Islands to be noted with their commodities and wants.
To note the Islands, whether they be hie land or low land, mountaine, or
flat, grauelly, clay, chalkie, or of what sorte, woody or not woody, with
springs and riuers or not, and what wilde beastes they haue in the same.
And whether there seeme to be in the same apt matter to build
withall, as stone free or rough, and stone to make lime withall,
and wood or coale to burne the same withall.
To note the goodnesse or badnesse of the hauens and harborowes in the
If a straight be found, what is to be done, and what great importance it
may be of.
And if there be a straight in the passage into the Scithian seas, the same
is specially and with great regard to be noted, especially if the same
straight be narrow and to be kept. I say it is to be noted as a thing that
doeth much import: for what prince soeuer shall be Lorde of the same; and
shall possesse the same, as the king of Denmarke doeth possesse the
straight of Denmarke, he onely shall haue the trade out of these regions
into the Northeast parts of the world for himselfe, and for his priuate
profit, or for his subiects onely, or to enioy wonderfull benefit of the
toll of the same, like as the king of Denmarke doth enioy of his straights
by suffring the merchants of other Princes to passe that way.