North Eastern Europe - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques And Discoveries Of The English Nation - Volume 3 - Collected By Richard Hakluyt
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And We Haue Also Granted, And By These Presents, For Vs, Our Heires And
Successors, Doe Graunt Vnto The Sayd
Gouernours, Consuls, assistants,
fellowship and communalty, and to their successours, and to their Factors
and assignes, and to euery of
Them, licence for to reare, plant, erect, and
fasten our banners, standards, flags, and Ensignes, in whatsoeuer citie,
towne, village, castle, Isle, or maine lande, which shall be by them newly
found, without any the penalties, forfeitures, or dangers aforesayde, and
that the sayd fellowship and communalty, and their successors, Factors and
assignes and euery of them shall and may subdue, possesse, and occupie, all
maner cities, townes, Isles, and maine lands of infidelitie, which is or
shal be by them, or any of them newly founde or descried, as our vassals
and subiects, and for to acquire and get the Dominion, title, and
iurisdiction of the same Cities, Townes, Castles, Villages, Isles, and
maine landes, which shall bee by them, or any of them newly discouered or
found vnto vs, our heires and successours for euer.
And furthermore, whereas by the voyage of our subiects in this last yeere
[Footnote: Anno 1554.] attempted by Nauigation, towards the discouerie and
disclosure of vnknowen places, Realmes, Islandes, and Dominions by the seas
not frequented, it hath pleased Almighty God to cause one of the three
shippes by them set foorth for the voyage, and purpose aboue mentioned,
named the Edward Bonaventure, to arriue, abide, and winter within the
Empire and dominions of the high and mightie Prince our cousin and brother,
Lord Iohn Basiliuich Emperour of all Russia, Volodomer, great duke of
Moscouie, &c. Who, of his clemencie, for our loue and zeale, did not onely
admitte the Captaine, and marchants our subiects into his protection, and
Princely presence, but also receiued and interteined them very graciously,
and honourably, granting vnto them by his letters addressed vnto vs, franke
accesse into all his Seigniories and dominions, with license freely to
traffique in and out with all his Subiects in all kinde of Marchandise,
with diuers other gracious priuiledges, liberties and immunities specified
in his sayde letters vnder his Signet: Know yee therefore that wee of our
further royall fauour and munificence, of our meere motion, certaine
knowledge, and speciall grace, for vs our heires and successours, haue
giuen and graunted, and by these presents doe giue and graunt vnto the same
Gouernours, Consuls, assistants, fellowship, and comunalty aboue named, and
to their successours, as much as in vs is, that all the mayne landes,
Isles, Portes, hauens, creekes, and riuers of the said mighty Emperour of
all Russia, and great Duke of Mosco, &c. [Sidenote: The largenes of the
priuiledge of the Moscouite companie.] And all and singuler other lands,
dominions territories, Isles, Portes, hauens, creekes, riuers, armes of the
sea, of al and euery other Emperor, king, prince, ruler, and gouernour,
whatsoeuer he or they before the said late aduenture or enterprise not
knowen, or by our foresayd marchants and subiects by the seas not commonly
frequented, nor by any part nor parcell thereof lying Northwards,
Northeastwards, or Northwestwards, as is aforesayd, by sea shall not be
visited, frequented nor hanted by any our subiects, other then of the sayd
company and felowship, and their successours without expresse licence,
agreement and consent of the Gouernour, Consuls, and Assistants of the said
felowship and communaltie aboue named, or the more part of them, in manner
and number aforesayd, for the time being, vpon paine of forfeiture and
losse, as well of the shippe and shippes, with the appurtenances, as also
of all the goods, marchandises, and things whatsoeuer they be, of those our
subiects, not being of the sayd felowship and communalty, which shall
attempt and presume to saile to any of those places, which bee, or
hereafter shall happen to bee found, and traffiked vnto:
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