ambassadours were Iohan. de Plano Carpini and Frier Benedict a Polonian.]
vnto Bathy obtained peace for fiue yeeres: but to forsake his heathenish
superstitions and to become a Christian, he would by no meanes bee
perswaded. For he was by the instigation of the Saracens infected with
deuilish opinions of Mahomet, as being more agreeable vnto his barbarous
rudenes, which euen vnto this day the Tartars do maintaine, like as the
prophane Turkes also.
This Bathy had a sonne called Tamerlan, whome the Mosoouites call
Temirkutla, who likewise, as it is recorded in histories, attained vnto
great renoume. For he caried about with him in a cage Baiazet the Turkish
Emperour being fettered in golden chaines, and made him a laughing stocke
vnto all men.
Let vs now retume vnto the Russians. George being slaine, Iaroslaus his
brother succeeded in his room, and left behinde him three sonnes,
Theodorus, Alexander, and Andreas. Daniel the sonne of Alexander first
established his royal seat in the citie of Mosco, and magnificently
building the Castle which before time had been obscure, he tooke vpon him
the title of the great Duke of Russia.