North Eastern Europe - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques And Discoveries Of The English Nation - Volume 3 - Collected By Richard Hakluyt
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1. First, We For Vs, Our Heires And Successors, Do By These Presents Giue
And Graunt Free Licence, Facultie,
Authority and power vnto the said
Gouernour, Consuls, Assistants, and communalty of the said fellowship, and
to their successors for
Euer, that all and singular the marchants of the
same company, their Agents, factours, doers of their businesse, atturneys,
seruants, and ministers, and euery of them may at all times hereafter for
euer more surely, freely and safely, with their shippes, merchandizes,
goods and things whatsoeuer saile, come and enter into all and singular our
lands, countreis, dominions, cities, townes, villages, castles, portes,
iurisdictions, and destraicts by sea, land or fresh waters, and there tary,
abide and soiourne, and buy, sell, barter and change all kind of
merchandizes with al maner of marchants and people, of whatsoeuer nation,
rite, condition, state or degrees they be, and with the same or other
ships, wares, marchandizes, goods and things whatsoeuer they be, vnto other
empires, kingdomes, dukedomes, parts, and to any other place or places at
their pleasure and liberty by sea, land or fresh waters may depart, and
exercise all kinde of merchandizes in our empire and dominions, and euery
part thereof freely and quietly without any restraint, impeachment, price,
exaction, prest, straight custome, toll, imposition, or subsidie to be
demanded, taxed or paid, or at any time hereafter to be demanded, taxed,
set, leuied or inferred vpon them or any of them, or vpon their goods,
ships, wares, marchandizes, and things, of, for or vpon any part or parcell
thereof, or vpon the goods, ships, wares, merchandizes, and things of any
of them, so that they shall not need any other safe conduct or licence
generall, ne speciall of vs, our heires or successours, neither shall be
bound to aske any safe conduct or licence in any of the aforesaid places
subiect vnto vs.
2. Item, we giue and graunt, to the said marchants this power and liberty,
that they, ne any of them, ne their goods, wares, marchandizes or things,
ne any part thereof, shal be by any meanes within our dominions, landes,
countreyes, castles, townes, villages, or other place or places of our
iurisdiction, at any time heereafter attached, staied, arrested ne
disturbed for anie debt, duetie or other thing, for the which they be not
principall debters or sureties, ne also, for any offence or trespasse
committed, or that shall be committed, but onely for such as they or any of
them shall actually commit, and the same offences (if any such happen,)
shall bee by vs onely heard, and determined.
3. Item, we giue and graunt, that the said Marchants shal and may haue free
libertie, power and authoritie to name, choose and assigne brokers,
shippers, packers, weighers, measurers, wagoners, and all other meet and
necessary laborers for to serue them in their feat of marchandises, and
minister and giue vnto them and euery of them a corporall othe, to serue
them well and truely in their offices, and finding them or any of them
doing contrary to his or their othe, may punish and dismisse them, and from
time to time choose, sweare, and admit other in their place or places,
without contradiction, let, vexation or disturbance, either of vs, our
heires or successors, or of any other our Iustices, officers, ministers or
subiects whatsoeuer.
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