North Eastern Europe - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques And Discoveries Of The English Nation - Volume 3 - Collected By Richard Hakluyt
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They Haue In Russia Two Sortes Of Flaxe, The One Is Called Great Flaxe, And
The Other Small:
That which they call great flaxe is better by foure
rubbles in 100.
Bundels than the small: It is much longer than the other,
and cleaner without wood: and whereas of the small flaxe there goe 27. or
28. bundles to a shippound, there goeth not of the greater sort aboue 22.
or 24. at the most. There are many other trifles in Russia, as sope, mats,
&c. but I thinke there will bee no great account made of them.
* * * * *
A copie of the first Priuileges graunted by the Emperour of Russia to the
English Marchants in the yeere 1555.
Iohn Vasiliuich, by the grace of God Emperor of Russia, great duke of
Nouogrode, Moscouia, &c. To all people that shall see, reade, heare or
vnderstand these presents, greeting. Forasmuch as God hath planted al
realmes and dominions in the whole world with sundry commodities, so as the
one hath neede of the amity and commodities of the other, and by means
thereof traffike is vsed from one to another, and amity therby increased:
and for that as amongst men nothing is more to be desired than amity,
without the which no creature being of a naturall good disposition can liue
in quietnes, so that it is as troublesome to be vtterly wanting, as it is
perceiued to be grieuous to the body to lacke aire, fire, or any other
necessaries most requisite for the conseruation and maintenance thereof in
health: considering also how needfull marchandize is, which furnisheth men
of all that which is conuenient for their liuing and nouriture, for their
clothing, trimming, the satisfying of their delights, and all other things
conuenient and profitable for them, and that marchandize bringeth the same
commodities from diuers quarters in so great abundance, as by meanes
thereof, nothing is lacking in any part, and that all things be in euery
place (where entercourse of marchandizes is receiued and imbraced)
generally in such sort, as amity thereby is entred into, and planted to
continue, and the inioyers thereof be as men liuing in a golden world: Vpon
these respects and other weighty and good considerations, vs hereunto
mouing, and chiefly vpon the contemplation of the gracious letters,
directed from the right high, right excellent, and right mighty Queene
Mary, by the grace of God Queene of England, France, &c. in the fauour of
her subiects, merchants, the gouernour, consuls, assistants, and
communaltie of merchants aduenturers for discouery of lands, &c.
Know ye therefore, that we of our grace speciall, meere motion, and
certaine knowledge, have giuen and graunted, and by these presents for vs,
our heires and successours, do giue and graunt as much as in vs is and
lieth, vnto Sebastian Cabota Gouernour, Sir George Barnes knight, &c.
Consuls: Sir Iohn Gresham, &c. Assistants, and to the communaltie of the
aforenamed fellowship, and to their successours for euer, and to the
successours of euerie of them, these articles, graunts, immunities,
franchises, liberties and priuileges, and euery of them hereafter
following, expressed and declared.
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