Reprints, Series I. p. 149.)] from a citie
called Yeraslaue, who is comming hither with certaine of our wares, but the
winter did decieue him, so that he was faine to tarie by the way: and he
wrote that the Emperours present was deliuered to a gentleman at Vologda,
and the sled did ouerthrow, and the butte of Hollocke was lost, which made
vs all very sory.
I pray you be not offended with these my rude letters for lacke of time:
but assoone as sales be made, I will finde the meanes to conuey you a
letter with speed: for the way is made so doubtful, that the right
messenger is so much in doubt, that he would not haue any letters of any
effect sent by any man, if he might, for he knowes not of these: and to say
the truth, the way is not for him to trauell in. But I will make another
shift beside, which I trust shall serue the turne till he come, if sales be
made before he be readie, which is and shall be as pleaseth God: who euer
preserue your worship, and send us good sales. Written in haste.
By yours to commaund
* * * * *
(George Killingworth was furnished with a copy of the following notice of
the coines, weights and measures vsed in Russia, written by Iohn Hasse,
in the yeere, 1554: - )
Forasrauch as it is most necessary for al marchants which seeks to haue
traffique in any strange regions, first to acquaint themselues with the
coines of those lands with which they do intend to ioyne in traffique, and
how they are called from the valuation of the highest piece to the lowest,
and in what sort they make their paiments, as also what their common
weights and measures be: for these causes I haue thought good to write
something thereof according to mine owne knowledge and experience, to the
end that, the marchants of that new aduenture, may the better vnderstand
how the wealth of that new frequented trade will arise.
First, it is to be noted that the Emperour of Russia hath no other coines
then siluer in all his land, which goeth for paiment amongst merchants, yet
notwithstanding there is a coine of copper, which serueth for the reliefe
of the poore in Mosco, and no where els, and that is but only for quasse,
water and fruit, as nuts, apples, and such other like. The name of which
money is called Pole or Poles of which Poles there goe to the least of the
siluer coines, 18. But I will not stand vpon this, because it is no currant
money among marchants.
Of siluer coines there be three sortes of pieces: the least is a Poledenga,
the second a Denga, the third, Nowgrote, which is as much to say in English
as halfepenie, penie and twopence, and for other valued money then this,
there is none: there are oftentimes there coines of gold, but they come out
of forrein countreys, whereof there is no ordinarie valuation, but they
passe according to the agreement of marchants.