* * * * *
The voyage of the foresaid M. Stephen Burrough, An. 1557. from Colmogro to
Wardhouse, which was sent to seeke the Bona Esperanza, the Bona
Confidentia, and the Philip and Mary, which were not heard of the yeere
before. [Footnote: This voyage of Burrough's, undertaken at his own
instance, to the coast of Russian Lapland, has attracted little notice:
we learn from it, however, that the Dutch, even at this time, carried on
an extensive trade with Russian Lapland.]
Vpon Sunday the 23 of May, I departed with the Searchthrift from Colmogro,
the latitude whereof is 64. degrees, 25. minutes, and the variation of the
compasse, 5 degrees, 10. minutes from the North to the East.
Wednesday (26) we came to the Island called Pozanka, which Island is within
foure leagues of the barre Berozoua. It floweth here at an East and by
South moone full sea.
Saturday (29) in the morning we departed from Pozanka, and plied to the
barre of Berozoua Gooba, whereupon wee came to anker at a lowe water, and
sounded the said Barre with our two Skiffes, and found in the best upon the
shoaldest of the barre 13. foote water by the rule. It higheth vpon this
barre, in spring streames 3. foote water: and an East Moone maketh a full
sea vpon this barre.
Sunday (30) in the morning wee departed from the barre of Berozoua, and
plied along by the shoalds in fiue fadome, vntill I had sight of S.
Nicholas roade, and then wee cast about to the Northwards, and went with a
hommocke, which is halfe a mile to Eastwards of Coya Reca, which hommocke
and S. Nicholas abbey lye Southsouthwest, and Northnortheast, and betweene
them are 11. leagues. Coia Reca is halfe a mile to the Eastwards of
Coscaynos. Coscaynos and the middles of the Island called Mondeustoua
ostroue, which is thwart of the barre of Berozoua lieth South and by East,
North and by West, and betweene them are 4. leagues, or as you may say from
the Seaboord part of the barre to Coscaynos are 3. leagues and a halfe.
Munday (31) at a Northeast and by East sunne we were thwart of Coscaynos.
Dogs nose lieth from Coscaynos Northnorthwest, and betweene them are eight
leagues: and Dogs nose sheweth like a Gurnerds head, if you be inwardly on
both sides of it: on the lowe point of Dogs nose there standeth a crosse
1. From Dogs nose to Foxnose are three leagues, North, and by West.
The 2 day of Iune I went on shoare 2. miles to the Northwards of Dogs nose,
and had the latitude of that place in 65. degrees, 47. minutes. It floweth
a shoare at this place, at an East moone full sea, and the ship lay thwart
to wende a flood, in the off, at a Southsoutheast moone. So that it is to
be vnderstoode, that when it is a full sea on the shoare, it is two points
to ebbe, before it be a lowe water in the off. The variation of the
Compasse at this place is 4. degrees from the North to the East.
This day (3) the Northnorthwest winde put vs backe againe with Dogs nose,
where a ship may ride thwart of a salt house, in 4. fadome, or 4. fadome
and a halfe of water, and haue Landfange for a North and by West winde:
which Salt house is halfe a mile to the Southwards of Dogs nose.
Friday (4) at a Southsouthwest Sunne, wee departed from this Salt house. It
is to be noted that foure miles to the Norhwards of Dogs nose there growe
no trees on the banke by the water side and the bankes consist of fullers
earth. Ouer the cliffes there growe some trees: so that Dogs nose is the
better to be knowen because it is fullers earth, and the like I haue not
seene in all that Countrey.
A head of Foxe nose a league from the shoare there are 15. fadome: betwixt
Foxe nose and Zolatitsa there are 6. leagues, I meane the Southerly part of
Foxe nose.
Sunday (6) I sounded the barre of Zolatitsa, which the Russes told me was a
good harborow, but in the best of it I found but 4. foote water.
Munday (7) I had the latitude in 66. degrees, and then was point Pentecost
sixe leagues south of vs.
Wednesday (9) I went on land at Crosse Island, and tooke the latitude,
which was 66. degrees, 24. minutes.
We being one league Northeast of Crosse Island, I sawe the land on the
Eastside, which I iudged to be Cape good fortune, and it was then
Eastsoutheast of vs 9 leagues.
Cape grace is 7. leagues and a halfe Northeast from Crosse Island.
There are 2. Islands 5. leagues Northnortheast from Cape grace, the
Southermost of them is a little long Island almost a mile long, and the
Northermost a little round island, and they are both hard aboord the shore.
Cape Race is from the Southermost Island North and by West, betweene them
are two leagues, and from that and halfe a league Northnorthwest, there is
another poynt. Betweene which poynt and Cape Race, the Russes haue a
Stanauish or harborow for their Lodias: and to the Westwards of the sayd
poynt, there is a shoale bay.
Three leagues and a halfe to Northwards of Cape Race, we had the latitude
on the 10. day of this moneth in 67. degrees 10.