15 Miles from thence to Selunaz ouer the lake of Ladega, albeit there be
many villages all along the lake.
180 Miles from Ladega towne vp the riuer of Swire, vnto the Monasterie of
Vosnessino Christo, albeit there are many villages vpon the riuer: for
within euery fiue or sixe miles you shall haue villages or small townes.
160 Miles from Vosnessino Christo to S. Clements Monastery, albeit there be
many villages all along the lake of Onega.
48 Miles from thence to Voronia.
67 Miles from thence to Toluo towne: and there are diuers villages al along
the lake where the carriers may lie, and haue meate for man and horse.
50 Miles from thence to Pouensa, where Onega lake endeth.
The way from Pouensa to Some towne is this:
30 Miles from Pouensa to Mastlelina.
10 Miles from thence to Tellekina.
30 Miles from thence to Toluich.
35 Miles from thence to Carraich.
20 Miles from thence to Varnich.
10 Miles from thence to Ostrouo.
15 Miles from thence to Lapina.
20 Miles from thence to Some it selfe.
Note, that from the Citie of Nouogrod vnto the towne of Some is 936. miles,
and from the towne of Some vnto the Monasterie of S. Nicholas or Rose
Island, ouer and against where our Ships do ride, is iust as many miles as
is Soroka village from S. Nicholas, as the Russes doe accompt it, as also
we do iudge it, namely 325.