Miles, where we came to a place whereas we were
againe constrained to take out our wares, and to carie them and our boats
three miles ouer land, so that with rowing, drawing and setting, we went
this day 7. miles more to a place called Sloboday, where we lay all night.
5 We departed from Sloboday in the morning at Sunne rising, and at sixe of
the clocke in the aftemoone, we came to a village called Paranda, which is
from Sloboday 30. miles, where wee remained all that night.
6 We departed from Paranda at 6. of the clocke in the morning, and all that
day what with setting and drawing our boats, we went but 11. miles, for we
twise vnladed our wares, and drew our boats ouerland, in one place a mile
and an halfe, in another place as it were the eight part of a mile, and so
we came to a place called Voyets, where we taried all that night.
7 We departed from Voyets at 4. of the clocke in the morning, and so came
to an Ozera or lake, called after the name of the riuer, and vnto a place
called Quequenich, wee rowed all this day, and came thither by one of the
clock in the afternoone, which is 25.