Our course was West for 60. versts, and then passing
betwixt diuers and sundry rocks, with many small Islands round about vs for
the space of 20 miles, keeping most commonly the same course still, we then
shaped a new course, and yet sundry times shifting, [Sidenote: The riuer
Owiga.] but we alwayes kept the Southwest, and neerest of all South
southwest vntill we came within two miles of the entrance of the riuer
Owiga where we were to beare in, West and by North.
From the riuer Owiga, to the Islands and rocks before mentioned, are 20.
We arriued about 4. of the clocke in the after noone within the riuer of
Owiga, at a place named Soroka, at which place we forsooke our barke or
Lodia, and continued there in making prouision for small boates to carie vs
vp the riuer vntill the 3. day of the same.
3 We departed from Soroka at two of the clocke in the afternoone, with 3.
boats and 12. men to rowe, and set the foresaid boates vp the riuer of
Owiga, which we hired.
[Sidenote: The fall of a riuer.] We went this day 7. miles to a place
called Ostroue, where we lay all night, but in the way 4. miles from
Soroka, at a place where the water falleth from the rocks, as if it came
steepe downe from a mountain, we were constrained to take out our goods and
wares out of the said boats, and caused them to be caried a mile ouer land,
and afterwards also had our boates in like sort caried or drawen ouer land
by force of men which there dwelled, being tenants to the monasterie