The Russians do spin and hachell it, and the English tarre it in threed and
lay the cable. And one cable of those is woorth two of Danzick, because the
Danzickers put in old cable and rotten stuffe, which in fowle weather is
found of no strength.
[Sidenote: Sosnoua tree excellent for the cure of the wolfe.] Sosnoua, a
tree that cureth the wolfe with the shauings of the wood, groweth in these
parts, and of the barks they make ropes as big as a mans arme for their
The Samoeds lacking linnen make handkerchiefs and towels of the very wood
of this tree. The wood of this tree is as heauie as hollie, and the
shauings tough.
[Sidenote: The description of Rose Island.] Rose Island in S. Nicholas Baie
is full of Roses damaske and red, of violets and wild Rosemarie: This
Island is neere 7. or 8. miles about, and good pasture, and hath the name
of the roses.
The snow here about the midst of May is cleared, hauing bin two moneths in
melting, then the ground is made dry within 14. dayes after, and then the
grasse is knee high within a moneth. Then after September the frost commeth
in, the snow is a yard deepe vpon plaine ground.