Miles from Astracan toward the Caspian sea. They dig it themselues and
pay nothing for it, but to the prince a peny a pood, viz. 40. pound waight.
[Sidenote: Fishing for Sturgeon for 3 moneths.] The Sturgeon which they
call Ocetera is taken fiftie miles on this side Astracan. Along the riuer
the space of 20. miles, they make their booties in plaine grounds, and fish
for the space of three moneths, viz. from the end of May till, the end of
August, and hauing salt they vse to salt them.
The riuer is there 5. or 6. miles broad, but with some Islands. The riuer
below Yeraslaue, where it is most narrow, is a mile broad from side to
The riuer runneth vpon red clay, all woods of birch and oke on the riuer
sides, saue about the townes of the fishing places.
Dwina from S. Nicholas to Vstiug runneth all on chalke and sand: the fish
are sweete and fat The Mene a fish with a great head a foot long breedeth
about Vologda, and is fat and delicate.
Between Vobsko and Nouogrod, the space of an 180. miles, groweth flax: the
whole soile in length is so imploied, and as much in breadth: this is vpon
a flat soile.
The hempe groweth about Smolensko vpon the Polish border, 300. miles in