To Lampas | All is 115. versts
To Pogorel | Northeast and
To Zapolle | Southwest.
To Vromo |
The way and distances from Saint Nicholas, to the Caspian Sea.
If you goe straight from Saint Nicholas, to the Caspian Sea, you must goe
to Vologhda by water, as by the easiest passage, and that is accomplished,
passing day and night, in foureteene dayes and foureteene nights, in boates
cut out of a tree: (the boates are called Stroogs) 1100. versts it is.
By horse and sleds in 8. dayes you may passe it in Winter. In Summer the
way is dangerous by meanes of marishes and bogs, and not safely then to be
passed. Then from Vologhda to Yeraslaue 180. versts ouer land. This
Yeraslaue standeth vpon the riuer of Volga, 180. versts I say distant from
To the Caspian sea are 2700. versts from Yeraslaue.
So from S. Nicholas to the Caspian sea, are 3800. 80. versts.
The iourney from S. Nicholas to Yeraslaue is accomplished in foureteene
dayes by water, and two dayes by land. 16. dayes.
From thence to Astracan men trauell by water in 30. dayes and 30. nights.
So between S. Nicholas and the Caspian sea, are 46. dayes iourney.
There passe downe Volga euery Summer, 500. boats great and smal, from all
the vpper parts of the riuer, whereof some be of 500.