God graunt me in health to see your worships, for I haue had a
carefull trauell, with many a sorowfull day and vnquiet sleepes. Neither
had I the company of one English person, to whom sometimes I might haue
eased my pensiue heart, as God well knoweth, who hath deliuered me from
mine enemies. Thus almightie God graunt you in health and wealth long to
Your humble seruant at commandement during life,
Arthur Edwards.
* * * * *
Another letter of Arthur Edwards written in Astracan the 16. of Iune 1567.
at his returne in his first voiage out of Persia, to the right
worshipfull Companie trading into Russia, Persia, and other the North and
Northeast partes.
It may please your Worships that herein I haue written not onely certaine
articles of your priuiledge, but also the Gouernours names, with the
Consuls, Assistants and generalitie. [Sidenote: The Shaughs letters to the
Moscouy companie.] Also such commodities as the Prince or Emperour of the
Countrey hath written in one of his letters directed to your Worships to be
sent him, with other notes which I thought good to be remembered, as may
appeare hereafter following. Your priuiledge is written, graunted, and
giuen in the names of these sixe persons following: to wit, sir William
Garrard, sir William Chester, gouernours, sir Thomas Lodge, master Anthony
Ienkinson, master Thomas Nicols and Arthur Edwards.