Therefore I wish your worships to procure some trustie
and assured friend there, to whom from hence letters may be sent For I can
haue them here to put in suerties to deliuer my letters, and to bring
answere. If I had any other here with me, I would nothing haue doubted to
haue brought you the Shaughs letters that way.
[Sidenote: Armenians and others desirous to barter silke and spices for
karsies.] The Armenians and other are desirous to barter with vs, giuing
silke for katsies, and also will seme vs of all kind of Spices, we giuing
them sufficient warning to fetch it in the Indies, and will deliuer it vs
in Shamaky at these prizes.
Pepper this townes batman for 18. Shaughs, euery Shaugh is sixepence.
Maces large for 40. Shaughs, and 45. the batman.
Cloues for 40. Shaughs the batman.
Nutmegs for 16. and 18. Shaughs the batman.
Sinamon for 40. Shaughs the batman. I doubt not but there will be profile
and good done in spices, with drugs and other like in time.
From Casbin to Ormus is six weeks trauel, and from hence to Casbin is 16.
dayes with camels laden: but if one trauell with a good Mule vnladen, it
may be gone in seuen or eight dayes. And I thinke to Ormus and other
places, may be trauelled in like order and proportion, with cattel vnladen.
But here in all places as men may trauel, they must carie their owne
prouision on horses, which they are to buy, and thus they, uauel but a