Caspian sea very shoald in diuers places.] Such barkes as must passe these
seas, may not draw aboue fiue foote of water, because that in many places
are very shallow waters. Wee mind hereafter to make the Russian boates more
strong, and they shall serue our turnes very well.
And whereas some in time past tooke great paines, trauell and care, and
could not haue their desire in the getting of the Shaughs letters or
priuiledge: Now, I trust (with Gods helpe) they may be obtained: which
being had, will be beneficiall to the company, and great quietnes to those
that shal remaine here, although heretofore things haue chanced ill, as the
like in other countries hath bene. But I doubt not, this priuiledge once
gotten and obtained, we shall liue in quietnesse and rest, and shall
shortly grow into a great trade for silkes both raw and wrought, with all
kind of spices and drugs, and other commodities here, as to M. Anthonie
Ienkinson is well knowen, who (I doubt not) hath long agoe throughly
aduertised the Companie thereof.
[Sidenote: The murthering of Thomas Alcock.] The trueth of the slaughter of
Thomas Alcock your seruant, is not certainly knowen. Some thinke it was by
the meanes of a noble man, with whom your sayd seruant was earnest in
demanding of your debts: vpon whose words he was so offended, that he
procured his death.