Bringing to good successe (by the
helpe of almighty God) all things that you take in hand, we doe commit our
whole affaires concerning the said aduenture wholly vnto your good
discretion, praying God so to prosper you as may be first for his glory,
secondly for the honour and commoditie of this realme and next for our
profit, with the increase of your good name for euer.
And yet further desiring, and also most earnestly requiring you, as you
tender the state of our company, that you will haue a speciall regard vnto
the order of our houses and our seruants as well at Colmogro and Vologda,
as at Mosco and to see and consider if any misorder be amongst our seruants
or apprentises wherby you thinke we might hereafter be put to hinderance or
losse of any part of our goods or priuilege there, that you doe not onely
see the same reformed, but also to certifie vs thereof by your letter at
large, as our trust is in you.
[Sidenote: Weight and drugs deliuered to M. Ienkinson.] And for the better
knowledge to be had in the prices and goodnes of such things as we do
partly suppose you shall finde in the partes of Russia, we doe heerewith
deliuer you a quantitie of certeine drugges, wherby you may perceiue how to
know the best, and also there are noted the prices of such wares and
drugges as be heere most vendible: