William Gittons, Charles Barret, Gabriel Willoughby, Iohn Andrews,
Alexander Woodfoord, Ralph Chatterton, Marchants.
Mariners and officers, according to the custome, and vse of the Seas,
Iohn Brooke, Master Gunner.
Nicholas Anthony, Boateswaine.
Iohn Web, his Mate.
Christopher Banbrucke, Thomas Dauison, Robert Rosse, Thomas Simpson,
quarter Masters.
William White, Iames Smith, Thomas Painter, Iohn Smith, their Mates.
Richard Gwinne, George Goiswine, Carpenters.
Robert Gwinne, Purser.
Laurence Edwards, his Mate, and Couper.
Richard Morgan, Cooke.
Thomas Nashe, his Mate.
William Light, Iohn Brande, Cutbert Chelsie, George Blage, Thomas Walker,
Thomas Allen, Edward Smith, Edward Hunt, Iohn Fawkner, Rowland Brooke.
Alexander Gardiner, Richard Molton, Surgeons, which two were taken in at
Discharged at Harwich, by reason of sicknes, George Blake, [Footnote: The
"George Blage" mentioned above.] Nicholas Anthony.
For pickerie ducked at the yards arme, and so discharged Thomas Nash.
THE SECOND SHIP: The Edward Bonauenture, of 160. tunnes, with her a
pinnesse, and a boate.
Richard Chancelor, Captaine, and Pilot maior of the fleete.
Stephen Borowgh, Master of the ship.
Iohn Buckland, his Mate.
George Burton, Arthur Edwards, Marchants.
Iohn Stafford, Minister.
Iames Dallaber, Nicholas Newborrow, Iohn Sedgswike, Thomas Francis, Iohn
Hasse, Richard Iohnson, William Kempe.
Mariners and officers, according to the custome and vse of the Seas.
Robert Stanton, Master Gunner.
Iohn Walker, his Mate.
Iames Long, Iohn Cocks, Gunners.
Thomas Walter, Surgeon.
Peter Palmer, Boateswaine.
Richard Strowde, his Mate.
Iohn Robinson, Iohn Carowe, Thomas Stone, Roger Lishbie, quarter Masters.