The vnmercifulnesse of the Russes toward the poor.] There is no
people in the world, as I suppose, that liue so miserably as do the pouerty
in those parts, and the most part of them that haue sufficient for
themselues, and also to relieue others that need, are so vmnerciful that
they care not how many they see die of famine or hunger in the streets.
[Sidenote: Stooues or baths vsuall with the Muscovites.] It is a countrey
full of diseases, diuers, and euill, and the best remedy is for anie of
them, as they holde opinion, to goe often vnto the hote houses, as in a
maner euery man hath one of his owne, which hee heateth commonly twise
euery weeke, and all the bouseholde sweate, and wash themselues therein.
The names of certaine sortes of drinkes vsed in Russia, and commonly drunke
in the Emperours Court.
[Sidenote: Reported by Thomas Bulley.] The first and principall meade is
made of the iuice or liccour taken from a berrie called in Russia, Malieno,
which is of a marueilous sweete taste, and of a carmosant colour, which
berry I haue seene in Paris.
The second meade is called Visnoua, because it is made of a berry so
called, and is like a black gooseberrie: but it is like in colour and taste
to the red wine of France.