North Eastern Europe - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques And Discoveries Of The English Nation - Volume 3 - Collected By Richard Hakluyt
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Should Be
7060.] The Moneth Of Februarie, More At Large Appeareth.
Like as wee cannot
but much commend your princely fauour and goodnesse, and in like manner
thank you for the abundant grace, extended to the sayd Richard Chancelour,
and others our subiects marchants:
Euen so these are to pray and request
you to continue the same beneuolence toward them, and other our marchants
and subiects, which doe or heereafter shall resorte to your countrey: And
for the more assurance and incouragement to trade and exercise the feate of
marchandise with your subiects and all other marchants within your
dominions, that it may please you at this our contemplation to assigne and
authorise such Commissaries as you shall thinke meete to trade and conferre
with our welbeloued subiects and marchants, the sayd Richard Chancelour,
George Killingworth, and Richard Graie, bearers of these our letters: who
are by vs authorised for that purpose: and to confirme and graunt such
other liberties and priuiledges vnto the Gouernour, Consuls, Assistants,
and Communaltie of the fellowship of the saide Marchants, as the said
bearers in their name propone and require by you to be granted for their
safe conduct, good gouernment, and order to bee erected and continued among
them in your saide dominions; And this with such your clemencie and
expedition, as we, vpon the next arriuall of the saide Richard Chancelour
may bee enformed of your gracious disposition and answere. Which your
beneuolences so to bee extended, wee bee minded to requite towards any your
subiects Marchants, that shal frequent this our realme at your
contemplation therefore to be made. Thus right high, right Excellent, and
right mightie, Almightie God the Father, the Sonne and the holy Ghost haue
you in his blessed keeping. Giuen vnder our seale at our Palace of
Westminster, the first of April, in the yeere from the blessed incarnation
of our Sauiour Iesus Christ, 1555. and in the first and second yeeres of
our reignes.
* * * * *
Articles conceiued and determined for the Commission of the Merchants of
this company residant in Russia, and at the Wardhouse, for the second
voyage, 1555. the first of May, as followeth.
First, the Gouernour, Consuls, Assistants and whole company assembled this
day in open court, committeth and authorizeth Richard Gray and George
Killingworth, iointly and seuerally to be Agents, Factors, and Atturneis
generall and speciall, for the whole body of this company, to buy, sel,
trucke, change and permute al, and every kind and kindes of wares,
marchandises and goods to the said company appertaining, now laden and
shipped in the good ship called the Edward Bonauenture, appointed for
Russia, the same to vtter and sell to the best commoditie, profit and
aduantage of the said corporation, be it for ready money, wares and
merchandises, or truck, presently, or for time, as occasion and benefit of
the company shal require: and all such wares as they or either of them shal
buy, trucke, or prouide, or cause to be bought for the company to lade them
homeward in good order and condition, as by prudent course of marchandises,
shall, and ought to appertaine, which article extendeth also to Iohn Brooke
for the Wardhouse, as in the 17. and 18. articles of this commission
2. Item, it is also committed, as aboue, to the said Agents, to binde and
charge the said company by debt for wares vpon credit, as good opportunitie
and occasion shal serue, with power to charge and bind the said company,
and their successors, for the paiments of such things as shalbe taken vp
for credite, and the said Agents to be relieued ab opere satis dandi.
3. Item full authoritie and power is committed to the said first named
factors, together with Richard Chancelor grand Pilot of this fleete, to
repaire to the Emperors court, there to present the king and Queenes
Maiesties letters, written in Greeke, Polish, and Italian, and to giue and
exhibite the marchants presents at such time and place as shalbe thought
most expedient, they, or one of them to demand, and humbly desire of the
Emperour such further grants and priuiledges to be made to this companie,
as may be beneficiall for the same, to continue in traffike with his
subiects, according to such instructions as bee in this behalfe deuised and
deliuered to the Agents whereunto relation is to be had, and some one of
these persons to attend vpon the court for the obtaining of the same, as to
their discretions shalbe thought good.
4. Item, that all the saide Agents doe well consider, ponder and weigh such
articles as bee deliuered to them to know the natures, dispositions, lawes,
customes, maners and behauiours of the people of the countries where they
shal traffike, as well of the Nobilitie as of the Lawyers, Marchants,
Mariners and common people, and to note diligently the subtilties of their
bargaining, buying and selling, making as fewe debtes as possiblie may bee,
and to bee circumspect, that no lawe neither of religion nor positiue bee
broken or transgressed by them or any minister vnder them, ne yet by any
mariner or other person of our nation, and to foresee that all tolles,
customes, and such other rites be so duely paid, that no forfeiture or
confiscation may ensue to our goods either outward or inward, and that al
things passe with quiet, without breach of the publike peace or common
tranquilitie of any of the places where they shall arriue or traffique.
5. Item, that prouision bee made in Mosco or elsewhere, in one or mo good
townes, where good trade shall be found for a house or houses for the
Agents, and companie to inhabite and dwell at your accustomed diets, with
warehouses, sellers, and other houses of offices requisite, and that none
of the inferiour ministers of what place or vocation soeuer he be, doe lie
out of the house of the Agents without licence to be giuen, and that euery
inferiour officer shalbe obedient to the orders, rules and gouernments of
the said Agents, and in case any disobedient person shall be found among
any of them, then such person to be punished for his misbehauiour, at the
discretion of the said Agents, or of one of them in the absence of the
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