The dinner being ended, the Emperour gaue vnto euery one of
vs a cup with meade, which when we had receiued, we gaue thanks and
Moreouer, whensoeuer the Emperors pleasure is that any stranger shall dine
with him, he doth send for them in the morning, and when they come before
him, he with his owne mouth biddeth them to dinner, and this order he
alwaies obserueth.
The 10 of October the Emperour gaue vnto M. Standish 70 rubles in money,
and to the rest of our men of occupations 30 rubles apiece.
The 3 of Nouember we dined againe with the Emperour, where we were serued
as before.
[Sidenote: Long Dinners.] The 6 of December being S. Nicholas day, we dined
againe at the Emperours, for that is one of the principall feasts which the
Moscouites hold: we were serued in siluer vessels and ordered in all points
as before, and it was past 7 of the clocke at night before dinner was
The Emperours maiestie vseth euery yeare in the moneth of December, to haue
all his ordinance that is in the citie of Mosco caried into the field which
is without the Suburbs of the citie, and there to haue it planted and bent
vpon two houses of Wood filled within with earth: