And in his
sled he sits vpon a carpet, or a white Beares skinne: the sled is drawen
with a horse well decked, with many Foxes and Woolues tailes at his necke,
and is conducted by a little boy vpon his backe: his seruants stand vpon
the taile of the sled &c.
* * * * *
The voyage, wherein Osep Napea the Moscouite Ambassadour returned home into
his countrey, with his entertainement at his arriuall, at Colmogro: and a
large description of the maners of the Countrey.
The twelfth of Maye, in the yeare of our Lorde 1557 there departed from
Grauesend, foure good shippes well appointed for Marchants, which were
presently bound into the Baye of S. Nicholas in Russia, with which shippes
was transported, or caried home, one Osep Gregoriwich Napea, who was sent
Messenger from the Emperour and great Duke of Moscouia. The foure ships
were these, whose names follow, viz.
The Primerose Admirall.
The Iohn Euangelist Viceadmirall.
The Anne and the Trinitie Attendants.
The 13 of Iuly, the foresayd foure shippes came to an anker in the Baye of
S. Nicholas, befor an Abbey, called the Abbey of S. Nicholas, whereas the
sayde Messenger, Osep Gregoriwich Napea went a shoare, and as many English
men as came to serue the Emperour remained with him at the Abbey for the
space of sixe daies, vntill he had gotten all his things a shoare, and
laden the same in the barkes, to goe vp the riuer Dwina, vnto Vologhda,
which is by water 1000 verstes, and euery verste is about three quarters of
an English mile.