And in the winter there is a great market without the
castle, vpon the riuer being frozen, and there is sold corne, earthen pots,
tubs, sleds, &c. The castle is in circuit 2900 pases.
The coontrey is ful of marish ground, and plaine, in woods and riuers
abundant, but it bringeth forth good plenty of corne. This Emperour is of
great power: for he hath conquered much, as wel of the Lieflanders, Poles,
Lettoes, and Swethens, as also of the Tartars, and Gentiles, called
Samoeds, hauing thereby much inlarged his dominions. He keepeth his people
in great subiection: all matters passe his iudgement, be they neuer so
small. The law is sharpe for all offenders.
The Metropolitan dealeth in matters of religion, as himselfe listeth, whome
the Emperour greatly honoreth. They vse the ceremonies, and orders of the
Greeke Church. They worship many images painted on tables, and specially
the image of S. Nicholas. Their Priests be maried, but their wiues being
dead, they may not marie the second time, and so become Monkes, whereof
there are a great number in the land.
They haue foure Lents in the yeere, and the weeke before Shrofetide, they
call the Butter weeke, &c.
They haue many sortes of meats and drinkes, when they banket and delight in
eating of grosse meates, and stinking fishe.