As for their drinke, it is very weake, and small. For the discharge of
their office, they do euery day say seruice, and that early in the mornings
before day: and they doe in such sort, and with such obseruation begin
their seruice, that they will be sure to make an ende of it, before day:
and about nine of the clocke in the morning they celebrate the Communion.
When they haue so done, they goe to dinner, and after dinner they goe
againe to seruice, and the like also after supper: and in the meane time
while they are at dinner there is some exposition or interpretation of the
Gospel vsed.
Whensoeuer any Abbot of any monasterie dieth, the Emperour taketh all his
housholde stuffe, beastes, flockes of sheepe, golde, siluer, and all that
he hath: or els hee that is to succeede him in his place and dignitie doth
redeeme all those things, and buyeth them of the Emperour for money.
Their churches are built of timber, and the towers of their churches for
the most part are centered with shingle boordes. At the doores of their
churches, they vsually build some entrance or porch as we doe, and in their
churchyardes they erect a certain house of woode, wherein they set vp their
bels, wherein sometimes they haue but one, in some two, and in some also
There is one vse and custome amongst them, which is strange and rare, but
yet it is very ridiculous, and that is this: when any man dyeth amongst
them, they take the dead body and put it in a coffine or chest, and in the
hand of the corps they put a little scroule, and in the same there are
these wordes written, that the same man died a Russe of Russes, hauing
receiued the faith, and died in the same. This writing or letter they say
they send to S. Peter, who receiuing it (as they affirme) reades it, and by
and by admits him into heauen, and that his glory and place is higher and
greater than the glory of the Christians of the Latine church, reputing
themselues to be followers of a more sincere faith and religion than they:
they hold opinion that we are but halfe Christians, and themselues onely to
be the true and perfect church: these are the foolish and childish dotages
of such ignorant Barbarians.
Of the Moscouites that are Idolaters, dwelling neere to Tartaria.
There is a certaine part of Moscouie bordering vpon the countreys of the
Tartars, wherein those Moscouites that dwell are very great idolaters: they
haue one famous idole amongst them, which they call the Golden old wife:
and they haue a custome that whensoeuer any plague or any calamity doth
afflict the country, as hunger, warre, or such like, then they goe to
consult with their idol, which they do after this manner: they fall down
prostrate before the idol, and pray vnto it, and put in the presence of the
same, a cymbal: and about the same certaine persons stand, which are chosen
amongst them by lot: vpon their cymball they place a siluer tode, and sound
the cymball, and to whomsoeuer of those lotted persons that tode goeth, he
is taken, and by and by slaine: and immediately, I know not by what
illusions of the deuill or idole, he is againe restored to life, and then
doth reueale and deliuer the causes of the present calamitie. And by this
meanes knowing how to pacifie the idole, they are deliuered from the
imminent danger.
Of the forme of their priuate houses, and of the apparell of the people.
The common houses of the countrey are euery where built of beames of Firre
tree: the lower beames doe so receiue the round hollownesse of the
vppermost, that by the meanes of the building thereupon, they resist, and
expell all winds that blow, and where the timber is ioined together, there
they stop the chinks with mosse. The forme and fashion of their houses in
al places is foure square, with streit and narrow windoes, whereby with a
transparent casement made or couered with skinne like to parchment, they
receiue the light The roofes of their houses are made of boords couered
without with ye barke of trees: within their houses they haue benches or
griezes hard by their wals, which commonly they sleepe vpon, for the common
people knowe not the vse of beds: they haue stoues wherein in the morning
they make a fire, and the same fire doth either moderately warme, or make
very hote the whole house.
The apparell of the people for the most part is made of wooll, their caps
are picked like vnto a rike or diamond, broad beneath, and sharpe vpward.
In the maner of making whereof, there is a signe and representation of
nobilitie: for the loftier or higher their caps are, the greater is their
birth supposed to be, and the greater reuerence is giuen them by the common
The conclusion to Queen Marie.
These are the things most excellent Queene, which your Subiects newly
returned from Russia haue brought home concerning the state of that
countrey: wherfore if your maiestie shall be fauourable, and grant a
continuance of the trauell, there is no doubt but that the honour and
renowne of your name will be spred amongst those nations, whereunto three
onely noble personages from the verie creation haue had accesse, to whom no
man hath bene comparable.
* * * * *
The copie of the Duke of Moscouie and Emperour of Russia his letters, sent
to King Edward the sixt, by the hands of Richard Chancelour.
The Almighty power of God, and the incomprehensible holy Trinitie,
rightfull Christian beliefe, &c. We great Duke Iuan Vasiliuich, [Marginal