Ianuary, so that the wares may bee at Some by Candlemas, or soone after:
for if your wares should tary by the way vntill the 15. of February, when
the Sunne is of some power, then is it dangerous: for the heate of the
Sunne in the day causeth the deepe lakes of Ladega, and specially of Onega
to cleaue: and if there should come then a sudden thaw, as oftentimes in
that time of the yeere doeth, then doe these lakes open and breake, whereby
many men are lost, and both men and horse drowned, although other riuers do
remaine frozen a long time after.
In the towne of Some also there are many warehouses, whereof we cannot be
destitute for the reposing of our wares, as also as many barkes as you wil
to transport your wares from thence to S. Nicholas road, and that for three
pence a poods caryage: so that from the Citie of Nouogrod vnto S. Nicholas
road you may haue wares caried for two altines. The pood commeth vnto 23.
altines the tunne.
[Sidenote: Nouogrod within 180 miles of the Narue.] Prouided alwayes, that
you buy your wares there your selfe, and send it thence: for there is no
hope that the natiues will bring their wares from Nouogrod to Some, in hope
to sell vnto vs, considering the great trade that they haue at the Narue,
which is within 180. miles off them.
Written by Thomas Southam a seruant to the company.
* * * * *
An Act for the corporation of Merchants aduenturers for the discouering of
new trades, made in the eight yere of Queene Elizabeth. Anno 1566.
Whereas diuers very good Subiects of this Realme of England in the latter
end of the reigne of the late right high and mightie prince our Soueraigne
Lord king Edward the sixt, at the gracious incouragement, and right good
liking of the said king, and by his Maiesties liberall example, did at
their aduenture, and to their exceeding great charges, for the glory of
God, the honor and increase of the reuenues of the Crowne, and the common
vtilitie of the whole Realme of England, set forth three ships for the
discouery by Sea, of Isles, lands, territories, dominions, and Seigniories
vnknowen, and by the Subiects of the sayd late king not commonly by seas
frequented: and after that Almightie God had called to his mercie the said
king, who died before the finishing and sealing of his most ample and
gracious letters of priuiledges promised to the said Subiects, as wel in
consideration of the said enterprise, as for diuers other respects it
pleased our late soueraigne Q. Mary, at the humble suites of the same
subiects, to graunt by her letters Patents vnder the great Seale of
England, bearing date at Westminster the 26.