And whether they be rowed and
shorne: because ofttimes they goe vndrest. Moreouer, we will you send vs of
euery commoditie in that Countrey part, but no great quantitie other then
such as is before declared. And likewise euery kinde of Lether, whereof wee
bee informed there is great store bought yeerely by the Esterlings and
Duches for hie Almaigne and Germaine.
More, that you doe send vs for proofe a quantity of such earth, hearbes, or
what thing soeuer it be, that the Russes do die and colour any kinde of
cloth linen or wollen, Lether or any other thing withall: and also part of
that which the Tartars and Turkes doe bring thither, and how it must be
vsed in dying and colouring. Moreouer, that you haue a speciall foresight
in the chusing of your Tallowe, and that it may be well purified and tried,
or els it will in one yeere putrifie and consume.
Also that you certifie vs the trueth of the waights and measures, and howe
they doe answere with ours, and to send vs 3. robles in money, that we may
trie the iust value of them.
Also we doe send you in these ships ten young men that be bound Prentises
to the Companie, whom we will you to appoynt euery of them as you shall
there finde most apt and meete, some to keepe accompts, some to buy and
sell by your order and Commission, and some to send abroad into the notable
Cities of the Countrey for vnderstanding and knowledge.