First, some cloth of Gold, with cloth of Tissue, and cloth of Botky, as
Veluets wrought with gold.
Item, good veluets, to wit, crimosins, purples, reds, greenes and blackes.
Those colours his maiestie requireth, for they are most worne. And though
there be some of these wares made in his citie of Cassan, yet nothing like
in goodnes, to those that you may procure for him. Small profite I thinke
will be in these wares: yet for diuers considerations, as also to satisfie
the Princes mind, I wish you to send some, and those that be especiall
Item, good damasks and sattins of all sortes, with an hundred pieces of
good chamlets, which are woorth here 80. shaughs the piece, at sixe pence
the shaugh, and those silkes to bee of those colours aboue written, to wit,
crimosins, purples, reds, greenes, blackes, with some light watchet
Item, three or foure complete harnesses that wil abide the shot of a
handgun with 10. or 12. targets of steele, being good.
Item, ten or twelue good shirts of male being very good or els none, that
may abide the shot of an arrow, and two buffe ierkins.
Item, ten or twelue pieces of Westerne karsies, being thicked well and
close shut in the weauing, and died into scarlets and fine reds. I thinke
there wil be no such cloth for noblemens caps. The prince named them
karangies [Marginal note: By the word Karangies, I thinke they meane
Karsies.], saying, that maidens did make them, and is desirous of them.
Item, six pieces of fine Holland cloth for the Prince, with some other for
Noblemen, of a lower price.
Item, twentie handguns being good, some of them with fire lockes, and also
six good dags, with locks to trauell withall.
Item 100. brusshes for garments (none made of swines haire,) for gifts, and
otherwise to be sold.
Item, six stone bowes that shoot lead pellets.
Item, a mill to grind corne in the field as they goe, finely deuised: for
Cozomomet willed me to write for one to be sent, to giue the Prince.
Item, the Prince requireth of all sortes and colours of London clothes. I
wish you to send no lesse then 40. or 50. for I know they will be sold to
profit, especially such cloth as may be affoorded for 20. shaughs the
arshine, which is longer by two of mine inches then Russia arshine is. Let
there be fine skarlets, violets in graine, fine reds, blacks, browne
blewes, foure or fiue of euery sort, for the Prince and other lords: the
rest of other colours liuely to the sight, as London russets, tawnies, lion
colours, good liuely greenes, with other, as you shall thinke good: