Ships shalbe
out of sight either before or behinde the Admirall, that then the rest of
the ships shall tacke or take off their sailes in such sort as they may
meete and come together, in as good order as may be, to the intent to keepe
the consortment exactly in all poynts.
5 It is constituted, that if any ships shalbe seuered by mist or darke
weather, in such sort as the one cannot haue sight of the other, then and
in such case the Admiral shall make sound and noise by drumme, trumpet,
horne, gunne or otherwise or meanes, that the ships may come as nigh
together, as by safetie and good order they may.
6 It is also to be obserued, that euery day once the other three shippes
shall send and come aboord the Admirall, and there consult and determine of
such matter and things as shall be for the assurance of their Nauigation,
and most expedition of the same.
7 Item, that notes and entries be daily made of their Nauigations put in
writing and memory, and that the yong Mariners and apprentices may be
taught and caused to learne and obserue the same.