Warning to fetch it in the Indies, and will deliuer it vs
in Shamaky at these prizes.
Pepper this townes batman for 18. Shaughs, euery Shaugh is sixepence.
Maces large for 40. Shaughs, and 45. the batman.
Cloues for 40. Shaughs the batman.
Nutmegs for 16. and 18. Shaughs the batman.
Sinamon for 40. Shaughs the batman. I doubt not but there will be profile
and good done in spices, with drugs and other like in time.
From Casbin to Ormus is six weeks trauel, and from hence to Casbin is 16.
dayes with camels laden: but if one trauell with a good Mule vnladen, it
may be gone in seuen or eight dayes. And I thinke to Ormus and other
places, may be trauelled in like order and proportion, with cattel vnladen.
But here in all places as men may trauel, they must carie their owne
prouision on horses, which they are to buy, and thus they, uauel but a
[Sidenote: The Shaugh desirous to bargaine for our commodities.] The Shaugh
himselfe is desirous to bargaine with you who will giue money, silke, and
other wares as we will, and take our wares as we may affoord them, willing
me himselfe to bring such wares as we might gaine by him. The Armenians by
report, and as I perceiue, bring from Aleppo yeerely, foure, fiue, and six
thousand pieces of karsies, and clothes, besides those which other men
bring. If your Worships might procure and find vent or sales for rawe
silke, and silke died in graine, besides other silkes wrought and made
here, by which, profile may be made: then you might send a great substance
of wares hither. But I feare you shall be hindered by the Venetians if they
may: for I know it will grieue them that you doe trade into these partes:
for in short time it shall cleane alter their trade, and hinder the sales
of their clothes in Aleppo and other places adioyning. You shall understand
that 60. batmans of silke is a Mules lading: and as it is reported, one
village of the Armenians yerely carieth 400. and 500. Mules lading of silke
to Aleppo, and bringeth thence 800. or a thousand Mules laden with karsies
and Venice clothes. And 18. pieces of karsies are a Mules lading.
[Sidenote: 2000. pieces of karsies to be sent into Persia.] But I wish you
not to send aboue 2000. pieces of karseis, although I haue bene willed to
write for more. If I might haue had any vnderstanding what your Worships
had written for in your letters sent this yeere, I should in this my letter
haue bene better able to haue answered you. They which be now in Astracan,
might haue written some thing vnto me hither, if it had pleased them, or
else haue sent me such letters of mine, as I hope some of my friends haue
written to me: