and oazie sand.
Iuana Creos is from Cape gallant Westnorthwest, and halfe a point to the
Northwards, and betweene them is 7. leagues. The point of the Island, which
is Cape comfort, lyeth from Iuana Creos, Northwest and by North, and almost
the 3. part of a point to the Westwards, and betweene them are 3. leagues.
The Eastermost of S. Georges Islands, or the 7. Islands, lyeth from Iuana
Creos Northwest, and halfe a point to the Northwards, and betweene them are
14. leagues and a halfe. The vttermost of the 7. Islands, and Cape Comfort,
lieth Northwest, and by North, Southeast, and by South.
Vnder the Southermost Island you shall finde good roade for all Northerly
windes from the Northwest to the Northeast. From the Southeast part of the
7. Islands, vnto the Northwest part of them, are 3. leagues and a halfe.
From the Northwest part of the Islands aforesaid, vnto S. Peters Islands,
are 11. leagues Northwest.
(26). S. Peters Islands rise an indifferent low point, not seeming to be an
Island, and as if it had a castle vpon it.
S. Pauls Islands lie from S. Peters Islands Northwest and to the Westwards,
and betweene them are 6. leagues. Within these Islands there is a faire
sandy bay, and there may be found a good roade for Northerly windes.