Seene in the
trade of merchandise, and one (if they can get some such) as can speake the
Portingall tongue, may do them as good seruice, as those that shall be here
two yeeres before him: for then we may buy a slaue that can speake this
language and the Portingal tongue also, which shall then interprete vnto vs
in all your secret doings, not making the Russes priuy: for they are sory
that we doe trade into these partes for we are better beloued then they
are: because they are giuen to be drunkards, they are much hated of these
people. It is to be wished that none should serue your worships in these
parts that be giuen to that kind of vice: And that your chiefe Agent and
Factor should be able to rule and gouerne himselfe, that no dishonestie
should be imputed to him and vs. By his euill vsage he paied here 24
rubbles, being in this Countrey 4. tumens for a boy, that he was charged to
haue conueied away from a Tesicke one of this countrey men, who willed him
to sweare that he knew not where the boy was become, and he should not pay
it. If he were honest he might do your worships good seruice because of his
Russian tongue.
Your London reds are not to be sent hither, for they will not giue aboue
18. shaughes their arshine. [Sidenote: Orient reds of Venice die.] Here be
reds of more orient colour, being Venice die. The people are giuen much to
weare cloth: the common peoples pecially weare karseis, and the merchants
of more wealth weare broad cloth. You shall doe well to send fiue or sixe
broad clothes, some blackes, pukes, or other sad colours, that maybe
affoorded at 20. shaughes the arshine, and not aboue. It is here reported
that King Philip hath giuen the Turkes a great ouerthrow at Malta, and
taken 70. or 80. of his chiefe captains.
Thus wishing I had more time to write, I pray you to beare with this my
scribled letter, and after you haue red it, that M. Nicols may haue a sight
By your seruant to command,
Arthur Edwards.
* * * * *
Commodities to be caried out of England into Persia, with their prizes
1 Karseis are sold there for 180. Shaughes: [Sidenote: A shaugh is 6d.
English.] so that a karsey is sold there in Persia for foure pound ten
shillings: for euery shaugh is sixe pence English, and euery Bist is two
pence halfepeny English, and in Russe money three pence.
2 Tinne is sold in Persia for 14. and 18. shaughes the batman. The batman
containing as I haue mentioned before.
3 Brasil is at 10. and 12.