Degrees, and then was point Pentecost
sixe leagues south of vs.
Wednesday (9) I went on land at Crosse Island, and tooke the latitude,
which was 66. degrees, 24. minutes.
We being one league Northeast of Crosse Island, I sawe the land on the
Eastside, which I iudged to be Cape good fortune, and it was then
Eastsoutheast of vs 9 leagues.
Cape grace is 7. leagues and a halfe Northeast from Crosse Island.
There are 2. Islands 5. leagues Northnortheast from Cape grace, the
Southermost of them is a little long Island almost a mile long, and the
Northermost a little round island, and they are both hard aboord the shore.
Cape Race is from the Southermost Island North and by West, betweene them
are two leagues, and from that and halfe a league Northnorthwest, there is
another poynt. Betweene which poynt and Cape Race, the Russes haue a
Stanauish or harborow for their Lodias: and to the Westwards of the sayd
poynt, there is a shoale bay.
Three leagues and a halfe to Northwards of Cape Race, we had the latitude
on the 10. day of this moneth in 67. degrees 10. minutes. Riding within
half a league of the shoare in this latitude I found it to be a full sea at
a North and by East moone. I had where we roade, two and twentie fadoome,
and the tallow which is taken vp is full of great broken shels, and some
stones withal like vnto small sand congealed together.