It floweth
a shoare at this place, at an East moone full sea, and the ship lay thwart
to wende a flood, in the off, at a Southsoutheast moone. So that it is to
be vnderstoode, that when it is a full sea on the shoare, it is two points
to ebbe, before it be a lowe water in the off. The variation of the
Compasse at this place is 4. degrees from the North to the East.
This day (3) the Northnorthwest winde put vs backe againe with Dogs nose,
where a ship may ride thwart of a salt house, in 4. fadome, or 4. fadome
and a halfe of water, and haue Landfange for a North and by West winde:
which Salt house is halfe a mile to the Southwards of Dogs nose.
Friday (4) at a Southsouthwest Sunne, wee departed from this Salt house. It
is to be noted that foure miles to the Norhwards of Dogs nose there growe
no trees on the banke by the water side and the bankes consist of fullers
earth. Ouer the cliffes there growe some trees: so that Dogs nose is the
better to be knowen because it is fullers earth, and the like I haue not
seene in all that Countrey.
A head of Foxe nose a league from the shoare there are 15. fadome: betwixt
Foxe nose and Zolatitsa there are 6. leagues, I meane the Southerly part of
Foxe nose.
Sunday (6) I sounded the barre of Zolatitsa, which the Russes told me was a
good harborow, but in the best of it I found but 4.