Foote water: and an East Moone maketh a full
sea vpon this barre.
Sunday (30) in the morning wee departed from the barre of Berozoua, and
plied along by the shoalds in fiue fadome, vntill I had sight of S.
Nicholas roade, and then wee cast about to the Northwards, and went with a
hommocke, which is halfe a mile to Eastwards of Coya Reca, which hommocke
and S. Nicholas abbey lye Southsouthwest, and Northnortheast, and betweene
them are 11. leagues. Coia Reca is halfe a mile to the Eastwards of
Coscaynos. Coscaynos and the middles of the Island called Mondeustoua
ostroue, which is thwart of the barre of Berozoua lieth South and by East,
North and by West, and betweene them are 4. leagues, or as you may say from
the Seaboord part of the barre to Coscaynos are 3. leagues and a halfe.
Munday (31) at a Northeast and by East sunne we were thwart of Coscaynos.
Dogs nose lieth from Coscaynos Northnorthwest, and betweene them are eight
leagues: and Dogs nose sheweth like a Gurnerds head, if you be inwardly on
both sides of it: on the lowe point of Dogs nose there standeth a crosse
1. From Dogs nose to Foxnose are three leagues, North, and by West.
The 2 day of Iune I went on shoare 2. miles to the Northwards of Dogs nose,
and had the latitude of that place in 65.