At a Westsouthwest sunne we set our maine sayle,
and lay close by the winde, the winde being at Northwest and by North,
making but little way, because the billow went so high: at midnight wee
cast about, and the shippe caped Northnortheast, making little way.
Friday (21) at noone we had the latitude in 70 degrees 8 minutes, and we
sounded, and had 29 fadomes sand, and in maner, stremy ground. At West
sunne we cast about to the Westwards, and a little after the wind came vp
at West.
Saturday (22) was calme: the latitude this day at noone was 70 degrees and
a terce, we sounded heere, and had nine and forty fadomes and oze, which
oze signified that we drew towards Noua Zembla.
And thus we being out of al hope to discouer any more to the Eastward this
yeere, wee thought it best to returne, and that for three causes.
The first, the continuall Northeast and Northerly winds, which haue more
power after a man is past to the eastwards of Caninoze, then in any place
that I doe know in these Northerly regions.