This aftemoone we tooke in two or three skiffes lading of stones to ballast
our shippe withall. It hyeth here four foot water, and floweth by fits,
vncertaine to be iudged.
Friday (14) we rode still in the sound, the wind at Southwest, with very
much raine, and at the end of the raine it waxed againe mistie.
Saturday (15) there was much wind at West, and much raine, and then againe
Sunday (16) was very mistie and much winde.
Munday (17) very mistie, the winde at Westnorthwest.
Tuesday (18) was also mistie, except at noone: then the sunne brake out
through the mist, so that we had the latitude in 70 degrees 10 minutes: the
afternoone was misty againe, the wind being at Westnorthwest.
Wednesday (19) at three of the clocke afternoone the mist brake vp, and the
wind came at Eastnortheast, and then we weyed, and went South and by East,
vntil seuen of the clocke, eight leagues, thinking to haue had sight of the
sandie hilles that are to the Eastwards of the riuer Pechora. At a
Northwest sunne we took in our maine saile, because the wind increased, and
went with a foresaile Westnorthwest, the wind being at Eastnortheast: at
night there grewe so terrible a storme, that we saw not the like, although
we had indured many stormes since we came out of England.