That the Samoyeds were archers is shewn by old
drawings, one of which I reproduce from Linschoten. Now the bow has
completely gone out of use, for Nordenskiold did not see a single archer.
Wretched old flint firelocks are, however, common.] and have great plenty
of Deere.
This night there fell a cruell storme, the wind being at West.
Sunday (2) we had very much winde, with plenty of snow, and we rode with
two ankers a head.
[Illustration: Samoiedarum, trahis a rangiferis protractis insidentium. Nec
non Idolorum ab ijsdem cultorum effigies. SAMOYED SLEIGH AND IDOLS. After
an old Dutch engraving.]
Munday (3) we weyed and went roome with another Island, which was fiue
leagues Eastnortheast from vs, and there I met againe with Loshak, and went
on shore with him, and hee brought me to a heap of the Samoeds idols, which
were in number aboue 300, the worst and the most vnartificiall worke that
euer I saw: the eyes and mouthes of sundrie of them were bloodie, they had
the shape of men, women and children, very grosly wrought, and that which
they had made for other parts, was also sprinckled with blood. Some of
their idols were an old sticke with two or three notches, mode with a knife
in it.