And 16 deg. E. longitude.
They consist of ten large and many small islands, all rocky and
mountainous. The largest Islands are: Hindoen, E. and W. Waagen, Langoen,
Andoe, Rost &c.] breake out through the mist, and then we went North and by
From the sayd Northwest sunne vntill foure of the clocke in the morning
(21) North and by East ten leagues and a halfe: and then Northnortheast
vntill a South sunne, the latitude being sixtie nine degrees, and a halfe.
From that vntill halfe an houre past seuen of the clocke, Northnortheast
eleuen leagues and a halfe, and then we went Northeast ten leagues. From
that 3 leagues and a halfe Eastnortheast, and then we sawe the land through
the cloudes and hazie thwart on the broadside of vs the winde being then at
From that vntill Saturday (22), at eight of the clocke in the morning
Eastnortheast, and to the Northwards fortie eight leagues, and then the
wind came vp at North, wee being aboord the shore, and thwart of the
Chappell, which I suppose is called Kedilwike [Footnote: Probably
Hammerfest, the most northern town in Europe]: then we cast the shippes
head to the seawards, because thee winde was verie scant: and then I caused
the Pinnesse to beare in with the shore, to see whether she might find an
harborough for the ships or not, and that she found and saw two roaders
ride in the sound: