The last land that we
saw when this mist came vpon vs, which is to the Northwards of Scoutsnesse,
lay Northnortheast, and Southsouthwest, and we made our way North vntill a
west sunne fiue leagues.
From that vntill Munday (18) three a clocke in the morning ten leagues
Northnortheast: and then we went North and by East, because the winde came
at the Westsouthwest with thicke miste: the latitude this day at a South
sunne sixtie three degrees and a halfe truely taken: at this season we had
sight of our Pinnesse againe.
From that vntill Tuesday (19) a South sunne Northnortheast fortie foure
leagues, and then Northeast From a South sunne vntill eight of the clocke,
fifteene leagues Northeast.
From that vntill Wednesday (20) a South sunne Northnortheast, except the
first watch Northeast: then had we the latitude in sixtie seuen degrees,
thirtie nine minutes. From that vnto a Northwest sunne eighteen leagues
Northeast, and then we were within two leagues off the shore, and saw the
high land to the Southwards of Lowfoot [Footnote: The Lofoden Islands lie
between 67 deg.