As often as
they come by any church or crosse they do in like maner. And when they come
to any house, they blesse themselues 3. or 4. times before they will salute
any man in the house.
They reckon and hold it for great sinne to touch or handle any of their
images within the circle of the boord where the painting is, but they keep
them very daintily, and rich men deck them ouer and about with gold, siluer
and stones, and hang them ouer and about with cloth of gold.
The priestes are married as other men are, and weare all their garments as
other men doe, except their nightcaps, which is cloth of some sad colour,
being round, and reacheth vnto the eares: their crownes are shauen, but the
rest of their haire they let grow as long as nature will permit, so that it
hangeth beneath their eares vpon their shoulders: their beards they neuer
shaue: if his wife happen to die, it is not lawfull for him to mary againe
during his life.
They minister the Communion with bread and wine after our order, but he
breaketh the bread and putteth it into the cup vnto the wine, and commonly
some are partakers with them: and they take the bread out againe with a
spoon together with part of the wine, and so take it themselues, and giue
it to others that receiue with them after the same maner.
Their ceremonies are al as they say, according to the Greeke Church vsed at
this present day, and they allow no other religion but the Greeks, and
their owne: and will not permit any nation but the Greeks to be buried in
their sacred burials, or churchyards.
All their churches are full of images, vnto the which the people when they
assemble, doe bowe and knocke their heads, as I haue before said, that some
will haue knobbes vpon their foreheads with knocking, as great as egges.
[Sidenote: Al their seruice is in their mother tongue.] All their seruice
is in the Russe tongue, and they and the common people haue no other
praiers but this, _Ghospodi Iesus Christos esine voze ponuloi nashe_. That
is to say, O Lorde Iesus Christ, sonne of God haue mercy upon vs: and this
is their prayer, so that the most part of the vnlearned know neither Pater
noster, nor the Beliefe, nor Ten commandements, nor scarcely vnderstand the
one halfe of their seruice which is read in their Churches.