Miles more to a place called Sloboday, where we lay all night.
5 We departed from Sloboday in the morning at Sunne rising, and at sixe of
the clocke in the aftemoone, we came to a village called Paranda, which is
from Sloboday 30. miles, where wee remained all that night.
6 We departed from Paranda at 6. of the clocke in the morning, and all that
day what with setting and drawing our boats, we went but 11. miles, for we
twise vnladed our wares, and drew our boats ouerland, in one place a mile
and an halfe, in another place as it were the eight part of a mile, and so
we came to a place called Voyets, where we taried all that night.
7 We departed from Voyets at 4. of the clocke in the morning, and so came
to an Ozera or lake, called after the name of the riuer, and vnto a place
called Quequenich, wee rowed all this day, and came thither by one of the
clock in the afternoone, which is 25. miles from Voyets, and there we
remained all night to hire men and boats to carie vs forward on our
Here departed backe from vs the seruant which we had at the Monasterie,
being sent by the monkes to go thus far with vs. And after that he had
hired the boats and taken the mens names that should conduct vs, and giuen
them charge to deliuer vs with all things in safetie, at a place being a
litle towne called Pouensa, then hee departed from vs without taking any
reward for his paines, for so he was charged and commanded by the monkes.
[Sidenote: A lake very full of Islands.] 8 We departed from Quequenich at
sunne rising, and all that day rowed vpon the lake amongst many Islands.
The inhabitants doe there report that there are as many Islands in their
lake, as there are dayes in the yeere. In the euening we came to a village
named Tellekina, which is 60. miles from Quequenich.
9 We departed from Tellekina in the morning at 5. of the clocke, and so
entring into a riuer, we went that day 13. miles. In one place we caried
our boates and goods ouerland 3. miles. At euening we came to a place
called Oreiche na maelay, where we lay all night.
10 Wee departed thence at 5. of the clocke in the morning, and so rowing,
came to a place where the riuer ended, being 20 miles distant from the
place where wee lay all night, at which place wee forsooke our boates and
vnladed our wares, and sent a man to the towne of Pouensa, which was seuen
mile ony for horses to cary vs and our wares to the said place. The horses
came, and we laded our goods, and at sixe of the clocke in the afternoone
wee arriued at the towne of Pouensa, with all things in safetie.
[Sidenote: The famous lake of Onega.] This towne of Pouensa standeth within
one mile lake of of the famous lake or Ozera of Onega, which is 320. miles
long and in some places 70. miles ouer. But where it is narrowest it is 25.
miles ouer, being fed with many goodly riuers which fall into it. Hard
aboord the shore within 6. miles, you shall haue 40. and 45. fathoms of
Here it is to bee noted that from this place of Pouensa vnto the village of
Soroka downe those dangerous riuers which wee came through, at no time of
the yeere can or may any man cary or transport any goods that come from
Nouogrod, or the Narue, and such other places: for in the Sommer it is
impossible to cary downe any wares by reason of the great fals of water
that doe descend from the rockes. Likewise in the Winter by reason of the
great force and fall of waters which make so terrible raises, that in those
places it neuer freezeth, but all such wares as come from Nouogrod to
Pouensa, are transported by land to a place called Some in the Winter,
which Some standeth on the sea side, as doth Soroka. The ready way from
Pouensa by land to this place of Some, with the distance of miles I will
shew hereafter.
12 We departed from Pouensa at 9. of the clocke in the morning, with 2.
smal boats which we hired to cary vs to a place called Toluo vpon the lake
of Onega, being 50 miles from Pouensa, where we arriued the 13. day in the
morning, where wee bought a boate that caried vs and all our wares from
thence to the Citie of Nouogrod.
14 We departed from Toluo at 3. of the clocke in the afternoone, and at the
euening arriued at a certaine Island named Salasalma, vpon the said lake 7.
miles from Toluo, and by reason of contrary windes we there taried vntill
the 16. day of this moneth.
16 We departed from Salasalma, at 8. of the clocke in the morning, and came
to an Island the 17. day in the morning, named Vorronia, where wee
continued by reason of contrary winds, vntill the 21. day of the said
moneth, and it is 60. miles from Salasalma.
[Sidenote: S. Clement his Monasterie.] 21 We departed from Vorronia Island
two houres before day, and arriued at S. Clements Monasterie at 2. of the
clocke in the after noone, being from Vorronia 48. miles.
22 We departed from S. Clements Monasterie at the breake of the day, hauing
a faire wind all a long the lake: