9 Also that no beere nor broth, or other liquor be spilt vpon the balast,
or other place of the ship, whereby any anoyance, stinke, or other
vnsauorinesse shall growe in the shippe to the infection or hurt of the
persons in the same.
10 Item, that the Captaine by discretion shall from time to time disship
any artificer or English seruingman or apprentice out of the Primrose into
any other of the three ships, and in lieu of him or them, take any such
apprentice as he shall thinke conuenient and most meete to serue the
benefite of the companie.
11 Item, that great respect be had to the Gunners and Cookes roomes, that
all danger and perill of powder and fire may be eschewed and auoyded.
12 Item, that singular care and respect be had to the ports of the ship,
aswell in Nauigation as in harborow, and especially in lading and vnlading
of the shippes, that nothing be lacking or surcharged: and that the bookes
may oftentimes be conferred and made to agree in eschuement of such losses,
as may ensue.
13 Special foresight is to be had, that at the Wardhouse no trecherie,
inuasion, or ether peril of molestation be done or procured to be attempted
to our ships by any kings, princes, or companies, that do mislike this new
found trade by seas to Russia, or would let and hinder the same, where of
no small boast hath bene made; which giueth occasion of more circumspection
and diligence.
14 If the winde and weather will serue, it is thought good rather to goe by
the Wardhouse then to come in and ancre there, lest any male engine, or
danger may be the rather attempted against vs, our goods and ships as
15 It is thought good that Richard Iohnson, late seruant to M. Chanceler,
shall be sent home in this next returne to instruct the company of the
state of the Countrey, and of such questions as may be demanded of him, for
our better aduertisements and resolutions, in such doubts as shall arise
here: and that he shall haue the roome of the Captaine in such sort as
Master Ienkinson is in this present cocket assigned vnto. And if Iohnson
can not, may not, nor will not returne and occupie the said place, then any
other person to be preferred thereunto, as by the discretion of our said
Captaine, with consent of our Agents, shall be thought meete and apt to
supply the same.
16 Prouided alway, that the ships returning be not disfurnished of one such
able man, as shall occupie the Captainship in like order, as is, and hath
bene in such case appoynted, as reason and good order requireth.